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This is an error message. This is an error message.It's not just your computer that's experiencing this issue, either. You may be receiving the same errors when trying to perform simple tasks, like checking your email or clicking on links in web pages. And you're not alone! A Google search for “site won't open” or “error message” yields over 60 million results, indicating that many people are encountering the same problem right now. With so many issues plaguing computer users these days, it can be frustrating to find yourself unable to access one of the most basic websites out there. The good news is that, even though you may be experiencing an issue right now, this doesn't necessarily mean you're experiencing a problem with your computer. The issue could be temporary, and it could be due to the way you've configured your browser. Many times, Internet Explorer or Firefox can be configured to load pop-up windows, so the first thing to do when encountering errors is to disable pop-ups entirely.You can re-enable them later if you need them, but for now it's best just to disable them while performing tasks that require maximum speed and efficiency. Once you've verified that this hasn't resolved the problem, you should try changing browsers. If you're using Internet Explorer, this may be the cause of the problem. If Chrome pops up when you try to access your email, download Gmail or sign in to Facebook, for instance, it may be time to change browsers. Once again, there are many solutions available for these types of problems. One is to use Firefox or Chrome effectively. While browsing with these products is convenient and fast, they do have some downsides. For instance, Chrome does not allow users to disable pop-ups if they choose—allowing others to access information on your computer without your knowledge—so if security is an issue for you, it's best to switch browsers completely. Chrome may be good for accessing Facebook, but it doesn't support advertisements, which can be frequent if you're searching for certain products or services. This is where Firefox comes in. Firefox blocks pop-ups by default, but also offers user-friendly ad blockers, which can limit the amount of ads you’re exposed to while browsing websites. For all these reasons and more, it's best to start this process with a clean slate. If you recently installed a new computer or upgraded your old one to Windows 8, there's also an option within the settings menu - about:config - that may be the solution to your problem.
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